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Re: Need help for multi mapping in case of no target message created


Hi Panupong,

                    Could you post the code you wrote? Target XML should be empty message payload without a root element is generated. This could be done only by creating a Java mapping and implement the logic to convert from root element to an empty text. This can not be done using Message Mapping tool.

I did not try this with multimapping but sincerely hope it will work for multimapping too. Please check trhis thread for adapter module(StrictXml2PlainBean) based approach to your problem.





Re: How can Enduser navigate to change password page in 7.3 portal?


Dear Pavan,


Added UME.Manage_My_Profile action also, still I am not able to see any change password option.

Is there any other settings that have to be done?

Could you also tell me from where exactly we will be accessing change password page(Navigation Path).


Thanks and Regards,

Suman I Kurian

Re: One Portal with multiple login Page - depend on country language


Hi, Thanks for you reply. really appreciable.


Requirement is, we are implementing SRM for 6 country. and we are using one portal for all.


Every country have there own login page design. when a user from country "A" login he should able to view his login page and when user from country "B" login, he should able to view his design page.


my requirement is, I need to design 6 different login page. how I should to implement it?


There is one portal and 6 login page.


What kind of changes i have to do in my PAR file?


Please help me in this.





Re: How to merge all screens into single screen


Basic GuiXT comes native with every installation of SAP.   You can see this when you logon to sap.


Customize Local Layout (Button - Alt F12) -> Activate GuiXT


This version of GuiXT however only makes it possible to hide screen elements (and things like that.  Condensing multiple screens into one screen, requires advanced functionality not supported in this version.  You have to buy (somewhat pricey) licenses for that from Synactive Inc.




Here is an example of a script that we are currently using:


// Created on 11/17/2009
// Created by MS
Parameter l_scrn
set V[z_vbo2_scr] "&U[l_scrn]" // storing the value of the local parameter into a global variable

if not V[z_vbo2_dcn_amt]       // making Deduction Amount required    set V[z_vbo2_dcn_tmp] "1"    set V[z_vbo2_scr]     ""    return "E:Please enter the deduction amount" "-statusline"

if not V[z_vbo2_doc_txt]       // making Document Text required    set V[z_vbo2_doc_tmp] "1"    set V[z_vbo2_scr]     ""    return "E:Please enter a document text" "-statusline"

if not V[z_vbo2_chckno]        // making check number required    set V[z_vbo2_doc_tmp] "1"    set V[z_vbo2_scr]     ""    return "E:Please enter a check number" "-statusline"

if V[z_vbo2_transpayr_chck=X] and not V[z_vbo2_tranpayr]
    set V[z_vbo2_doc_tmp] "1"    set V[z_vbo2_scr]     ""    return "E: Transfer Payer is checked. Please enter an Alternate Payer" "-statusline"

// Change Rebate Agreement
Screen SAPMV13A.0401
    set V[z_vbo2_agmtn]   "&F[Agreement]"   // read the Agreement number    Enter

// Information
Screen SAPMSDYP.0010

// Change Cust/ Group Rebate  : Overview Agreement
Screen SAPMV13A.0410    title "Processing VBO2 - Please Wait ..."    set V[z_vbo2_rebrecpt]        "&F[Rebate recipient]"      // Rebate recipient for this agreement    set V[z_vbo2_tranpayr]        "&V[z_vbo2_tranpayr]"       // Read the actual value of the variable    set V[z_vbo2_transpayr_chck]  "&V[z_vbo2_transpayr_chck]" // Read the value of the checkbox    set V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold]   "&V[z_vbo2_tranpayr]"
//    set V[z_vbo2_invoice]         "&V[z_vbo2_invoice]"    set V[z_vbo2_invoice] ""    if V[z_vbo2_tranpayr] and V[z_vbo2_transpayr_chck=X]        set V[z_rebate_recpt]    "&V[z_vbo2_rebrecpt]"        set V[z_alt_payer]       ""    else        if V[z_vbo2_tranpayr] and not V[z_vbo2_transpayr_chck=X]            set V[z_alt_payer]       "&V[z_vbo2_tranpayr]"            set V[z_rebate_recpt]    ""        endif    endif    if not V[z_vbo2_tranpayr]        set V[z_vb02_tmp_cust] "&V[z_vbo2_rebrecpt]"  // base case    else        set V[z_vb02_tmp_cust] "&V[z_vbo2_tranpayr]"  // transfer case and alt payer case    endif

// Setting up for RFC calls

// RFC to return document number and document count for non invoice related deducts
    set V[zeros]    "0000000000"        // 10 zeros for padding    set V[cust_len] "&V[z_vb02_tmp_cust]" "-stringlength"    // how many digits    set V[cust_len] "10" - "&V[cust_len]" // Zeros required    set V[z_vb02_tmp_cust] "&V[zeros](1-&[cust_len])&V[z_vb02_tmp_cust]" // Padded material number    call "Z_ZGXT_rfC_REF2DOC" in.CUSTNR="&V[z_vb02_tmp_cust]" in.REFNR="&V[z_vbo2_chckno]"  out.DOCNO="z_docu_num" Out.CNTNR="z_docu_count"    set V[z_vbo2_docu_count]  "&V[z_docu_count]"    set V[z_vbo2_docu_count]  "&V[z_vbo2_docu_count]" * "1"    set V[z_vbo2_docu_num]    "&V[z_docu_num]"

//    if V[z_vbo2_docu_count>1]      // checks if the document number is greater than 1
//        set V[z_vbo2_scr]   ""
//        message "E: Must Process Manually" "-statusline"
//        enter "/nVBO2"
//        goto SCRIPT_END
//    endif    if not V[z_vbo2_docu_num]      // based on what comes back from function module        set V[z_vbo2_scr]   ""        message "E: Invalid Check Number for Agreement &F[Agreement]" "-statusline"        enter "/nVBO2"        goto SCRIPT_END    endif

label VBO2_PAY
    Enter "/24"          // Pay pushbutton vbo2

// Change Cust/ Group Rebate 1524 : Overview Conditions Cust Reb (ZO02)
Screen SAPMV13A.3007
    Enter "=SUCH"          // Find

// Selection screen
Screen SAPLSSEL.1104
    if F[Volume rebate group]      // if this field is displayed on this screen        set F[Volume rebate group]     "99"        Enter "/8"        goto next_stmt2    endif    Enter "/12"    goto srch_mat2

label next_stmt2

// Information
Screen SAPMSDYP.0010            // Popup window - Volume rebate group "99" not found  set V[z_temp] "X"  Enter  if V[z_temp]     set V[z_temp] ""     goto MAT_SEL  endif

// Change Cust/ Group Rebate 1524 : Overview Conditions Cust Reb (ZO02)
Screen SAPMV13A.3007
    set V[i] "1"
Label LOOP_START    If not F[Amt.to be paid(&V[i])]        goto LOOP_END    endif    set V[z_vbo2_field_label]   "&F[HEADERLINE(&V[i])]"    set V[z_vbo_str]            "&V[z_vbo2_field_label]"    set V[x]    "&V[z_vbo2_field_label]" pattern="%POSTING_GROUP"    if Q[OK]        set F[Amt.to be paid(&V[i])]   "&V[z_vbo2_dcn_amt]"        goto LOOP_END    endif    set V[i]  "&V[i]" + "1"    goto LOOP_START

    Enter "/80"   // clicking first page button

// Change Cust/ Group Rebate 1524 : Overview Conditions Cust Reb (ZO02)
Screen SAPMV13A.3007
    Enter "=SUCH"          // Find

// Selection screen
Screen SAPLSSEL.1104
    set F[Volume rebate group]     "99"    Enter "/8"

Screen SAPMV13A.3007
    set V[z_vbo2_dcn_amt2] "&F[Amt.to be paid(&V[i])]"    Enter "/11"  OnError="Continue"         // Save    if V[_lasterror]        set V[z_vbo2_scr] ""        set V[z_vbo2_message] "&V[_lasterror]"        goto SCRIPT_END    endif    goto skip_mat2

label srch_mat2


    set V[i] "1"    // Change Cust/ Group Rebate 88 : Overview Conditions Cust Reb (ZO02)
Screen SAPMV13A.3007    Enter "=SUCH"          // Find    // Selection screen
Screen SAPLSSEL.1104    if not F[Material]        set V[z_vbo2_scr]   ""        message "E: Posting Group / Material not found" "-statusline"        enter "/nVBO2"        goto SCRIPT_END    endif    set F[Volume rebate group]     ""    set F[Material]     "99999"    Enter "/8"

label VBO2_CONT_PG   // Continuing searching for Posting Group / Material

Screen SAPMV13A.3007
    set V[z_vbo2_field_label] "&F[HEADERLINE(&V[i])]"    set V[z_vbo_str]    "&V[z_vbo2_field_label]"    set V[x]         "&V[z_vbo2_field_label]" pattern="%CREDIT / DEBIT"    if Q[OK]        goto CONTINUE_PROCESS    endif    set F[Amt.to be paid(&V[i])]   "&V[z_vbo2_dcn_amt]"    goto LOOP_END2

    set V[z_vbo2_scr]   ""    message "E: Posting Group / Material not found" "-statusline"    enter "/nVBO2"    goto SCRIPT_END

    Enter "/80"

// Change Cust/ Group Rebate 88 : Overview Conditions Cust Reb (ZO02)
Screen SAPMV13A.3007
    Enter "=SUCH"          // Find

// Selection screen
Screen SAPLSSEL.1104
    set F[Material]     "99999"    Enter "/8"

Screen SAPMV13A.3007
    set V[z_vbo2_dcn_amt2] "&F[Amt.to be paid(&V[i])]"    Enter "/11"  OnError="Continue"         // Save VBO2    if V[_lasterror]        set V[z_vbo2_scr] ""        set V[z_vbo2_message] "&V[_lasterror]"        goto SCRIPT_END    endif

// At this point, a "6.." document has been created
label skip_mat2

// Partner selection
Screen SAPLV09C.0120
    call "Z_ZGXT_rfC_errcust" in.CUSTOMER="&V[z_vb02_invoice]"    Enter

// Information
Screen SAPMSDYP.0010
    set V[z_vbo2_dcn_pmt_tmp] "&F[MESSTXT1]"    set V[z_message_type] "&V[z_vbo2_dcn_pmt_tmp](1-10)"    if V[z_message_type=PartRebSet]           // True = Found "99"       set V[z_vbo2_dcn_pmt]     "&V[z_vbo2_dcn_pmt_tmp](21-29)"    else       set V[z_vbo2_scr]   ""       message "E: Posting Group / Material not found" "-statusline"       enter "/nVBO2"       goto SCRIPT_END    endif    Enter

// Goto Transaction VF01 to get VF Number
Screen SAPMV13A.0401
    Enter "/n"

    set V[z_cntr]  "1"

label TRY_VF01_AGAIN
    if V[z_cntr>20]        goto EXIT_TRY_VF01_AGAIN    else        set V[z_vbo2_fldmsge] ""    endif    if V[z_vbo2_tranpayr] and V[z_vbo2_transpayr_chck=X]  // if it has a value        goto START_VA02    else        goto SKIP_VA02    endif

label SKIP_VA02
    Enter "/nvf01"

label START_VA02
    if V[z_vbo2_tranpayr] and V[z_vbo2_transpayr_chck=X]        enter "/nva02"        include "va02_transfer_cust.txt"         //  *************  z_vbo2_dcn_pmt    endif

Screen SAPMV60A.0102
    title "Processing Document - Please Wait ..."    retry on error    set cell[Docs to be processed,Document,1] "&V[z_vbo2_dcn_pmt]"    Enter "/11"          // Save

Screen SAPMV60A.0102
    if V[_message]        set V[z_vbo2_vf01_num_tmp] "&V[_message]"        set V[z_vbo2_vf01_num] "&V[z_vbo2_vf01_num_tmp](10-18)"    endif    if V[z_vbo2_vf01_num=g documen]        set V[z_vbo2_vf01_num] ""        set V[z_cntr]  "&V[z_cntr]" + "1"        set V[z_vbo2_fldmsge]  "yes"        goto TRY_VF01_AGAIN    endif
label EXIT_TRY_VF01_AGAIN    if V[z_vbo2_fldmsge=yes]        set V[z_vbo2_fldmsge] ""        set V[z_vbo2_scr]   ""        message "E: Process &V[z_vbo2_dcn_pmt] With Transaction VF01" "-statusline"        enter "/nVBO2"        goto SCRIPT_END    endif    set V[z_vbo2_chg_fi_count]  "0"

label retry_CHG_FI

    call "Z_ZGXT_RFC_CHG_FI_CUST_TXT" in.DOCNO="&V[z_vbo2_vf01_num]" in.DOCTXT="&V[z_vbo2_doc_txt]" out.RET="z_rfc_good"    set V[z_vbo2_ret]  "&V[z_rfc_good]"    if not V[z_vbo2_ret=X] and V[z_vbo2_chg_fi_count<20]      set V[z_vbo2_chg_fi_count]  "&V[z_vbo2_chg_fi_count]" + "1"      goto retry_CHG_FI    endif    if V[z_vbo2_ret=X]      enter "/nF-32" wait="1000"    else      enter "/nvbo2"      goto SCRIPT_END    endif

// Clear Customer: Header Data
Screen SAPMF05A.0131
    retry on error    set V[z_rebate_recpt]    "&V[z_vbo2_rebrecpt]"   // 2nd entry    set V[z_alt_payer]       "&V[z_vb02_tmp_cust]"   // 1st entry    if V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold] and V[z_vbo2_transpayr_chck=X]        set F[Account]              "&V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold]"        set V[z_vb02_tmp_cust]        "&V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold]"        set V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold]   ""    else        if V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold] and not V[z_vbo2_transpayr_chck=X]            set F[Account]                "&V[z_vbo2_rebrecpt]"            set V[z_vb02_tmp_cust]          "&V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold]"            set V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold_tmp] "&V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold]"            set V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold]     ""        else            set F[Account]             "&V[z_vbo2_rebrecpt]"            set V[z_vb02_tmp_cust]       "&V[z_vbo2_rebrecpt]"        endif    endif    set R[Document Number]     "X"    Enter "/16"          // Open items

// Clear Customer Enter selection criteria
Screen SAPMF05A.0731
    set F[From(1)]     "&V[z_vbo2_vf01_num]"  // 9 number    if V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold_tmp] and not V[z_vbo2_transpayr_chck=X]        goto ALT_PAYER    else        set F[From(2)]     "&V[z_docu_num]" // (From Initial RFC call)   "&V[z_vbo2_vf01_num]"        Enter "/16"            // Open items        goto SKIP_ALT_PAYER    endif

    Enter "/7"          // Other account

// Clear Customer Select open items
Screen SAPMF05A.0710
    set F[Account]     "&V[z_alt_payer]"   //"&V[z_rebate_recpt]" //"&V[z_vbo2_tranpayr]"    set R[Document Number]     "X"    Enter "/16"          // Open items

// Clear Customer Enter selection criteria
Screen SAPMF05A.0731
    set F[From(1)]     "&V[z_docu_num]"  //"&V[z_vbo2_dcn_amt]"    Enter "/16"


// Clear Customer Process open items
Screen SAPDF05X.3100
    Enter "=OMX"          // Select All

// Clear Customer Process open items
Screen SAPDF05X.3100
    Enter "=Z-"          // Deactivate Items.2

// Clear Customer Process open items
Screen SAPDF05X.3100
    Enter "=REST"          // Res.items

// Clear Customer Create residual items
Screen SAPDF05X.3100
    set V[z_vb02_pos] ""    set V[z_vb02_neg] ""    set V[absrow] "1"   // Absolute row number    set V[relrow] "1"   // Relative row number    set V[idx]    "1"    GetTableAttribute T[SAPDF05X_TC_6106] FirstVisibleRow=FVisRow LastVisibleRow=LVisRow LastRow=LastRow    if V[FVisRow=1]        // First row on screen?        goto new_row_f32    endif    Enter "/ScrollToLine=1" Table="T[SAPDF05X_TC_6106]"   // scroll to first line

label new_screen_f32
Screen SAPDF05X.3100
    GetTableAttribute T[SAPDF05X_TC_6106] FirstVisibleRow=FVisRow LastVisibleRow=LVisRow LastRow=LastRow    set V[relrow] 1

label new_row_f32
    if V[absrow>&V[LastRow]]  // end of table?        goto end_of_table_f32    endif    if V[absrow>&V[LVisRow]]  // end of screen?        Enter "/ScrollToLine=&V[absrow]"  Table="T[SAPDF05X_TC_6106]"        goto new_screen_f32    endif
label NEXT_SELECTION    set V[z_f32_usdgross_&V[idx]] "&cell[SAPDF05X_TC_6106,Net amount,&V[relrow]]"
// Check negative value    if (V[z_f32_usdgross_&V[idx]=&V[z_vbo2_dcn_amt2]] or V[z_f32_usdgross_&V[idx]=&V[z_vbo2_rfc_pymtamt]] or V[z_f32_usdgross_&V[idx]=&V[z_vbo2_rfc_invamt]]) and not V[z_vb02_neg=yes]        SetCursor cell[SAPDF05X_TC_6106,Net amount,&V[relrow]]        enter "/2"        set V[z_vb02_neg] "yes"        goto VALUE_FOUND    endif    set V[z_tmp] "&V[z_vbo2_dcn_amt2]" * "-1"    set V[z_tmp2] "&V[z_vbo2_rfc_pymtamt]" * "-1"    set V[z_tmp3] "&V[z_vbo2_rfc_invamt]" * "-1"    set V[tmp]  "&cell[SAPDF05X_TC_6106,Net amount,&V[relrow]]"    set V[tmp] "&V[tmp]" * "1"

// Check positive value
    if (V[tmp=&V[z_tmp]] or V[tmp=&V[z_tmp2]] or V[tmp=&V[z_tmp3]]) and not V[z_vb02_pos=yes]      // postive value        setCursor cell[SAPDF05X_TC_6106,Net amount,&V[relrow]]        enter "/2"        set V[z_vb02_pos] "yes"        goto VALUE_FOUND    endif    set V[z_f32_tmp] "&cell[SAPDF05X_TC_6106,Document Number,&V[relrow]]"    if not V[z_f32_tmp]        goto end_of_table_f32    endif    set V[absrow] "&V[absrow]" + "1"    set V[relrow] "&V[relrow]" + "1"    set V[idx] "&V[idx]"  + "1"    goto new_row_f32

label end_of_table_f32

Screen SAPDF05X.3100
    if V[z_vb02_neg=yes] and V[z_vb02_pos=yes]        set cell[SAPDF05X_TC_6106,RCd,&V[relrow]]  "C20"        goto  SELECTION_COMPLETE    else        set cell[SAPDF05X_TC_6106,RCd,&V[relrow]]  "C20"        set V[absrow]  "1"        set V[relrow]  "1"        set V[idx]     "1"        goto NEXT_SELECTION    endif
label SELECTION_COMPLETE    Enter "/11"          // Post

// Clear Customer: Header Data
Screen SAPMF05A.0131
    set V[z_vbo2_msg]            "&V[_message]"    set V[z_vbo2_msg2]           "&V[_message](10-19)"    set V[z_vbo2_scr]            "X"    set V[z_vbo2_f32_docnum]     "&V[z_vbo2_msg2]"    //    set V[z_vbo2_amt]            "&V[z_vbo2_dcn_amt]"    set V[z_vbo2_doc_txt_disp]   "&V[z_vbo2_doc_txt]"    set V[z_vbo2_agmtn]          "&F[Agreement]"    set V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_disp]  "&V[z_vbo2_tranpayr_hold_tmp]"    set V[z_vbo2_successful]     "X"    return  // "S: &V[z_vbo2_msg]"  "-statusline"   // go  back to VBO2



Hope this helps,



Re: Verp




If you maintain Packing Materials for  Batch in POP1 and POF1 then you will get automatically.





Re: How to get all orders with partnernumber



try with





Harish kumar

Re: Workflow Issue


Hi Vinay,

     Maintain SAP_ALL profile for the user WF-BATCH and see if it works.


Hope this helps,


Re: sale line provided by 2 storage locations


Hi Nati

As per standard SAP, storage location is not determined automatically in sales order. Hence the sales order cannot "see" how much stock is present in which storage location. If Availability check ATP for sales order is also at Plant level, it will confirm the full quantity and set the shipping point taken from default shipping point customization.


In your system, does the storage location appear automatically?

If no, you can modify sales user exit through ABAP and make storage location appear in sales order.


During order entry, if partial qty is available in default storage location, there will be 2 confirmed schedule lines, 1. as per available stock and 2. as per planned delivery time. This will be a signal for order entry person so he can add a new line with remaining qty and change the shipping point. This will also auto populate the other storage location which has remaining stock.


In the end, there will be 2 lines with different shipping points and storage locations. During VL10, it will automatically create 2 outbound deliveries as per std SAP.


Hope this helps.



Re: Changing the Default Standard Communication Method


Hi Surakshith


We are looking for the same thing.

If you come across something please let me know.




Re: Problem Connecting Agentry Client


Thanks Michael,

From where i will get UID and UPASSWORD.




Re: How do I match and close an AP invoice to a payment on account


Hi Phil,

  While doing the Outgoing Payment, choose the Invoice against that vendor which is open and you want to pay against that invoice. After that open the payment means and choose the payment terms and amount. and after that add the out going payment.




Hope it will help you


With Regards


How to get CJI3 Report from table level


Dear Experts;

     Client want customised cji3 for the inputted project number & cost element groups for a time period.

In table level how i can extract total value for a given period of time.


     I searched existing posting and tried like this:

From PRPS fetch WBS Element.

From AUFK input wbs elemet & fetch order no.

From AFKO input irder no & fetch routing no. for operation(AUFPL)

From AFVC input routing no. for operation(AUFPL) & fetch object no.

From COEP input object no. & fetch cost.


But not getting same value with cji3 report value for a given project with cost element group and time period.

Re: BDC Transcation Call




Use SHDB recording and check OK_CODE in that. After that copy paste that OK_CODE in your Code.

I think / is missing in the OK_CODE.



Re: Problem in Dropdown Fields of Create Requisition Request Form in MSS ?

Re: in SDF process , tax value should calculate




you can create the Tax condition with out referring to the Price condition type




Tax will be referred to Base price using FROM column by inserting the step


for your requirement you can create the TAX condition without inserting the FROM column step


hope it is clear




Re: Files from different FTP Servers



I think the JMS option is not the best, you will need an aplication server where to install a JMS provider like Apache ActiveMQ or SonicMQ. The second option that Gregs said below is the quicker solution and i would take that if i had your scenario..

To develop your own adapter is another solution but it can be tedious and not easy.



Re: Usage Definition in Component configuration


Hi Simha,

I am not wrong you mean to say what is use of definition method in feeder class.

So i would like to say while configuring the GUIBB , framework will ask for the feeder class. So by implementing the get_definition method of feeder class you would be able to configure the required field in your form , list etc.





Praveen Gupta

Re: Not able to Transport Source System from Development to Production


Hello Bhavdeep Vashitha,


    1. Could you please check your TMS is active and  working properly  by using T-Code STMS.


     2. If you find any problem over there in STMS then Execute the comment r3trans.exe -din CMD. If it throw any error means, it could be a Db Connection error. Check your environment variables if necessary change and create then try again.


     3. "Source system ***dc*** does not exist" --> Domain controller problem. I think so it could be a TMS problem, Please check and configure properly.




Farkath C

Dynamically making a field mandatory.


Hi All,


I have 2 radio buttons , say A and B . And 1 Field say FIELD1 which is disabled by deafult.

Now if I select Radio button A , Field1 Should become mandatory

Whereas If I select radio button B then  - field A should be  disabled again


Now if I declare field 1 as mandatory, the problem is that if the user selects A, which Enables Field 1 and then

he changes his mind and wants to select radio button B instead. He gets an error since Field 1 has become

enabled and mandatory...


How do we handle this problem. Please help




Re: Edit data source in RSO2


Miran ,


You can achieve the same from tcode RSA6 .Find out your data source and then click on Change from the Menu Bar at the Top. It will take you to the next screen where you can check/uncheck the relevant checkboxes for Hide , Inversion , Selection, Field only  etc. there.




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