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Re: ITSM Professional seeking assistance in choosing the right module for a SAP Career

MCRM_SETTINGS report cant change the already existing consumer


Hi Middleware gurus,


I have a problem in setting up of  CRM middleware setup with ECC .  The scenario is ECC is connected to CRM already and data is transferred, so as a result of that for all the objects in CRM the default consumer is CRM.  And now due to some requirements , i want to connect this same CRM system to another ECC and so the requirement is to change this already existing default consumer to a new consumer as per the new ECC system.


SO, I ran the report MCRM_SETTINGS to change the consumer but the result says- the object is already a consumer.


So, now the question is - cant i over write the already existing consume  to a new consumer...




Re: SAP WORK MANAGER 6.1 - Connect Test


There was an issue with the connect test it is resolved with SAP note: 2042566 - Patch to correct connectTest.bat Java Exception under Work Manager 6.1, Inventory Manager 4.0

Looking for SAP HCM Time,PY,OM,PA Test Scenario Documents -It's Urgent...


Hi SAP Guru's


Recently i moved to SAP HCM Carrier now i am in SAP HCM Testing Environment could any one please provide SAP HCM Test Scenario documents.



It is very urgent....really i need help show some LIGHT......



Thanks in Advance...

FP40: Transfer posting across division and company code




We have a requirement to use FP40 in SAP ISU to transfer debts across company codes/division.


However, after checking in system we've found SAP does not allow this and that is written in standard code. This restriction is also mentioned in couple of SAP notes.

Also, I ve found, if I maintain the debit main and sub for transfer document (in SPRO) system does not look for EK01/EK02 of that main sub, instead it posts the transfer document without any GL entry.


Is there a way during creating the transfer document I can enter GL level document details. (i.e., is there any fqevents where I can enter FKKOPK structure ?)


Any suggestion would be helpful.





Re: Data folder is keep on increasing

Re: Are there any requirements to use FPM in MM or FICO module


Hi - FPM / WDA is not module specific. As long as you are in the system(AS ABAP) which supports FPM/WDA then you should be good to use.




Default Item Incoterms


When doing the Create Draft - Purchase Order, the header Incoterm fields are filled in correctly when the vendor has been set up properly. Is there a way to default each line Incoterm field to the data that is in the Header?  Currently they come in blank. 


We are using SRM 702.


Thanks for any assistance.



Re: Work Agreement Designations Not Working in California


According to the Help Center in SAP ByD you cannot change the word Permanent or remove it from core functionality. Type 'work agreement' into the Help Center to see what the official answer is.


I would make sure you are asking the right person in their HR organization. Our only office is in California and we have entered most "regular" employees under the work agreement type "Permanent."


There is a distinction between calling someone permanent or regular from an HR liability standpoint and using an un-editable field in a packaged application like SAP. There is no other option for the HR organization to use in this case. Is it there intent to make someone "permanent" by choosing that field? No.


We have some nutty laws here in California like distinguishing between "permanent" vs. "regular" or "full-time." I just roll my eyes when I hear stuff like this.



Re: SAML based SSO in context of NWBC 4.0 Desktop


Hi Suresh,


At our company, I do not maintain the OKTA, but I did work with the admin who maintained it. What exactly are you looking to do? Is it for NWBC Client version or web version?


You have to enable SAML 2.0 on the AS ABAP so it acts as the service provider and generate the metadata.xml file and import it on the OKTA IP settings. Not sure where exaclty that is done.

Once that is done, request for a metadata.xml file from OKTA identiry provider and import it into the AS ABAP under SAML2 Config and Trusted procviders. You would also need to provide the OKTA with the NWBC URL that you will be calling so the SAML insertion takes place.


This is the high level setup. However, if you are having specific questions, let me know and I will try to answer.




Re: SL controller fail to start in SUM




   I increased Virtual memory, but still Sl controller is not starting. throw the same error.  please find the log below.




# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.

# Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 44096 bytes for Chunk::new - os::malloc. Out of swap space or heap resource limit exceeded (check with limits or ulimit)?

# Possible reasons:

#   The system is out of physical RAM or swap space

#   In 32 bit mode, the process size limit was hit

# Possible solutions:

#   Reduce memory load on the system

#   Increase physical memory or swap space

#   Check if swap backing store is full

#   Use 64 bit Java on a 64 bit OS

#   Decrease Java heap size (-Xmx/-Xms)

#   Decrease number of Java threads

#   Decrease Java thread stack sizes (-Xss)

#   Set larger code cache with -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=

# This output file may be truncated or incomplete.


#  Out of Memory Error (d:/depot/bas/sapjvm/61_REL/src/6/hotspot/src/share/vm/memory/allocation.cpp:385), pid=7256, tid=1016


# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (6.0_75-b13) (build 6.1.068)

# Java VM: SAP Java Server VM (6.1.068 24.55-b13 Jun 22 2014 00:31:35 - 61_REL - optU - windows amd64 - 6 - bas2:220276 (mixed mode) compressed oops)

# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled



Date: 2014-07-24 Time: 20:10:24

Process did run for 7 seconds, 0 milliseconds on sap2apsrv1 .


---------------  B u i l d   I n f o ---------------


compile date/time:     Jun 22 2014 00:27:41

sapjvm release:        6

sap_platform:          NTAMD64

platform:              windows

arch:                  amd64

codeline:              61_REL

hs bld trgt:           "product"

flags:                 !DEBUG, !ASSERT, PRODUCT

build user:            "makefact"

last change:           220276

build id:              6.1.068




Compiler (_MSC_VER): 1600

C-Runtime: multithreaded dynamic release



---------------  N a t i v e   C r a s h i n f o  ---------------




    SP                 PC                 RetPC              Symbol



Farkath C

Re: Journal Entry DocEntry


the doctype is it_JournalEntry how to know the DocEntry where i will put it to RCT2 DocEntry Column

Re: BPMon: Send BPMon alerts to third party tool through SNMP traps


Hi Keji,


Thanks a lot.

You mentioned that BPmon can run on 2 different technical infra as of SolMan SP10. Do you know how to activate MAI for BPmon on SP 10.

I went through the documentation. If my understanding is correct  you will need SP 12 to activate MAI for BPMon.

But as usual  Keji a very useful answer by you. Thank you very much.

Thank you Rahul for you effort to help me.





Re: Content rejected


Hi Jurgen


I ccd the moderators as Guarav claims at the beginning that he read the actions tab and was advised related to RoE. In this case, there is a reason but he is still unsure which specific rule he violated.




Re: Installation issue - using a remote server without using remote desktop or citrix




I assumed you are using VPN connection right?

In your scenario that is normal since the GUI of SAP B1 is not built for type of connection compare



The only SAP supported type of remote connection is either Terminal Server or Citrix.

In our own scenario we are using Terminal Server and we are very satisfied. We have used

this between to different cities. This is also prevents data corruption cause by intermittent

internet connection.


Hoping you will be convinced of using Terminal Server or Citrix.

By the way, a quick question, why are you hesitant to use RDC or Citrix?


For overview, if your remote requirement is just simple and basic you may use Terminal Server.

The implementation of  this is very fast and simple also, what you need is only a license.


If complex and advance features connection requirement connection use Citrix.

For better understanding you may search from the site for the difference of the two.







SQL Script VS HANA views


Hi Gurus,


We are in the process of building the SAP HANA views. As we know there are multiple options


1) Attribute , Analytic & Calc views

2) Scripted Calculation views and CE functions.

I have read many articles and as per SAP Documentation, they say build the information view with  Attribute, analytic and calculation View (Graphical) If it does not suffice they go for scripted calculation view.


Just wanted to understand. Are there any limitations or any issues faced in the projects with scripted calc views. If we look at the John Appleby tips, it suggests that avoid SQL script unless it cannot be done with graphical views.




If we build the views with graphical method, then it seems the parallelism can very well achieved ,means query is split into multiple sub queries and executed in parallel as in Visualize plan.



If we write the Sql script, can this parallel processing  achieved or not ?  If the requirement can be achieved without writing script which method to choose.


I have included the 10 to 12 attribute views in analytic view then Calculation view; it seems there may be some performance issue which I am going to check. As we know we can use base table directly in calculation view. What is the best method to use .Can we use these base  tables in calculation view directly or build the attribute views first, then analytic  view and after that build calculation view.


As we know we use the attribute views from re usability perspective.  Is there any other reason that we need to use attribute views instead of joining the base tables in calc view .



Ram Ramanathaiah

Re: Delivery not allowing to transact 0/negative instock item




How did you get it done? Can you share?


Thanks & Regards,


Re: To add new field in ALV report while doing this received MESSAGE_TYPE_X dump


Hi Dheeraj Late,

MESSAGE_TYPE_X is likely kernel problem.

want to update your kernel level up to latest version.

will solve most cases.




Re: SAPup broke during phase SHADOW_NTACT_CP


I said so, didn't I?
Not stupid but one of the issues which seems to come along with every update/upgrade.




Re: process chain variables triggered multiple times


Right click on the process step that is always "repeatedly" triggered. There should be a step that says "automatic repetition". You will want to uncheck/disable that setting.


Here is the OSS note number that describes this new feature (Point #1):

1915483 - Process chain enhancements

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